curriculum vitae

Scientific interest

Biodiversity management, functional biodiversity research, community ecology, conservation, invasion biology, landscape ecology


Professional career

Since 2015: Chair of conservation ecology group at University of Marburg

2015: Offer of two tenure professor position W3 Agroecology & Biodiversity (Hohenheim) & W3 Conservation ecology (Marburg)

2014: Offer of two tenure professor positions – W2 Animal Ecology (Münster) & W2 Conservation ecology (Marburg)

2008 – 2015: Robert Bosch Junior Professor at the University of Marburg

2008: Research fellow at the Zoological Institute, Community Ecology, University of Bern

2005 – 2007: Postdoc at the University of Mainz in charge of co-ordinating the BIOTA East Africa subproject E11 – Consequences of human disturbance for avian diversity, seed dispersal and regeneration processes of East African rainforests

2002 – 2005: Research assistant, University of Mainz, Germany, Community & Macroecology, Prof. Böhning-Gaese


Academic education

2002 – 2005: PhD project at the University of Mainz with the title: Impact of forest fragmentation and disturbance on the endangered tropical tree Prunus africana (Rosaceae)

2001 – 2002: Diploma thesis at University of Marburg and University of Mainz with the title: Pollination ecology of the dioecious tree Commiphora guillauminii (Burseraceae) in Madagascar

1996-2001: Studies of biology with emphasis on conservation biology, ecology, zoology at Philipps-University of Marburg


Prices & scholarships

2nd teaching award in the category junior scientists at the Faculty of Biology at University of Marburg (2014)

ProProfessur mentoring programme for female scientists (2012-2013)

Robert Bosch Junior Professorship for research into “Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources” (2008-2014)

Career advancement by Robert Bosch foundation through coaching programme “Fast Track” (2007-2009)

Merian Price in the category best talk of junior scientist at the 18th annual conference of the Society for Tropical Biology in Berlin (February 2005)

Subsidisation by Marie-Friedericke-Wagner foundation to attend A Special Symposium of the British Ecological Society (BES) and the Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Aberdeen, U.K (July 2003)


Scientific activities

– Board member

Since 2006                 Secretary general of Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)

2010 – 2012                Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC)

Since 06/2009            “Women in science” Robert Bosch Foundation

2009 -2014            Professional training “Development and management of research projects” Universities Kassel and Marburg

Since 2006                 Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)

member of the organization and academic committee of the 2009 joint meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology and the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation

– Reviewer for funding bodies

German Research Foundation (DFG) Germany, National Science Centre (NSC) Poland, National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa, Alexander von Humboldt StiftungCarl-Zeiss-Stiftung, DAAD, EU Marie Curie Individual Fellowships

– Editorial Boards

Biotropica (since 2008), Open Journal of Ecology (2009-2011), Ecotropica (since 2010), PLoS ONE (2012-2014), Oecologia (since 2013)

– Reviews for journals

Acta Oecologica, African Journal of Ecology, American Naturalist, Animal Conservation, Austral Ecology, Basic and Applied Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biological Conservation, Biotropica, Conservation Biology, Ecology, Ecotropica, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Forest Ecology and Management, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Functional Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Oecologia, Oikos, Open Journal of Ecology, PLoS ONE, Population Ecology and Trees – Structure and Function, Scientific Reports