Invited talks (selection)
2016: Reiche Lebensräume weltweit – Wälder und ihre Vielfalt. Umweltfilmwoche Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf.
2015: Biodiversität: Wert, Bedrohung und Schutz, Kreiskonferenz Hessische Biodiversitätsstrategie, Wetzlar.
2014: Animals in changing landscapes: consequences for ecosystem functionality. Within the animal ecological colloquium at University of Würzburg.
2013: Biotic interactions and ecosystem functionality in changing landscapes. Within the GGL lecture series Perspectives – Gender Awareness and Career Chances for Women in the Life Sciences an der Universität Gießen.
2012: Land use & Biodiversity: Consequences for ecosystem functioning. Within the Karl-von-Frisch award ceremony of the vbio at University of Marburg.
2011: Relative functioning of multiple ecosystem processes along the same landscape gradient. Within symposium “Inter-specific interactions and ecosystem functioning in real-world landscapes” at 12th European Ecological Federation Congress, Avila, Spain organized by Dr. Garcia and Dr. Tylianakis.
2010: Relationship between biodiversity & ecosystem function in modified landscapes. Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) Frankfurt, expert discussion on ecosystem services initiated by Dr. Loft.
2009: Changing landscapes – consequences for ecosystem services. University of Ghent, Department of Biology, Terrestrial Ecology Unit, Prof. Lens.
2008: Biological diversity and ecosystem processes along a land-use gradient. University of Leipzig, Department of Diabetology, Prof. Kiess.
2007: Consequences of fragmentation and local disturbance for biodiversity and ecosystem function in a tropical rainforest. University of KwaZulu Natal, School of Botany and Zoology, Prof. Johnson