Teaching at University of Marburg (July 2008-):
MSc FM & VM Conservation – science & practice: This course gives an introduction to national and international conservation. Further, current issues in conservation of selected areas are discussed on the ground. Thereby, all steps of an evaluation project of a selected area is covered.
MSc FM Conservation and forests: This course gives an introduction to conservation of forests in Central Europe. Further, relevant survey methods for assessing the status and functionality of these forests are developed.
BSc FM & VM Conservation ecology – from basics to application: This course gives an introduction to the fundamentals of ecology and their relevance for conservation. It aims at discussing the theoretical background using a diverse set of current examples and by conducting own projects in an European forest ecosystem to obtain a broad overview of experimental design, field methods, statistical analyses and scientific writing.
“Profilmodul” Knowledge of taxa relevant for conservation planning: This course gives an introduction to conservation law and landscape planning. Further small own projects are carried out in groups.
“Profilmodul” Current trends in ecology: This course gives an introduction to current methods and research projects. Further small own projects are carried out in groups.
Teaching involvement in “Profilmodul” Forensic Biology: This course gives an introduction into fundamental of forensic biology. It aims at at discussing the theoretical background by means of excercises and a trip to the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden.
R-Excursion to Bialowieza (May 2008):
Applied Statistics in Ecology: The course covers an overview of how to use the software R for graphics and data analysis. By spanning different steps of the research process (from data sampling to data analysis) and different methods (regression analyses, multivariate analyses and simple simulation models) it aims to provide a range of points of contact for ecologists from different fields and with ifferent needs. Lectures will be short and the main focus is on practical work with the computer (and in the field).
Teaching at University of Bern (January-June 2008):
Community ecology, practical: This course gives an introduction into fundamentals of ecology.
Community ecology, seminar: In this seminar we discuss ongoing projects of the community ecology group.
Journal club community ecology, seminar: In this seminar we discuss recent publications in close relation to current research topics of the community ecology group.
Teaching at University of Mainz (2002-2007):
Practical course “Quantitative ecology”: This course gives an introduction into fundamentals of ecology (competition, predation, abundance, diversity, disturbance, and life histories).
Practical course “Community ecology”: This course takes place in groups of 2 or 3 students who are carrying out an own small project in close relation to current research topics of the Community & Macroecology Group.
Seminar “Conservation Biology”: In this seminar we discuss „Principles of Conservation Biology” (Groom et al. 2006).
One-day excursions (waterfowl, limnology): We make one-day excursions to the river Rhine to watch birds and to the river Walluf to analyse physical and chemical parameters of the river and to determine water organisms.
Long-trip excursion to Kenya: This course gives an introduction to the flora and fauna of Kenyas ecosystems such as rainforest and savanna.