Please also visit my profile at ResearchGate.
Rehling, F., Jaroszewicz, B., Braasch, L. V., Albrecht, J., Jordano, P., Schlautmann, J., Farwig, N., Schabo, D. G.(2021) Within-species trait variation can lead to size limitations in seed dispersal of small-fruited plants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
González-Varo, J. P., Rumeu, R., Albrecht, J., Arroyo, J. M., Bueno, R. S., Burgos, T., da Silva, L. P., Escribano-Ávila, G., Farwig, N., García, D., Heleno, R. H., Illera, J. C., Jordano, P., Kurek, P., Simmons, B. I., Virgós, E., Sutherland, W. J., Traveset, A. (2021) Limited potential for bird migration to disperse plants to cooler latitudes. NATURE 595:75–79
Schlautmann, J., Rehling, F., Albrecht, J., Jaroszewicz, B., Schabo, D. G., Farwig, N. (2021) Observing frugivores or collecting scats: a method comparison to construct quantitative seed dispersal networks. Oikos 00: 1–11; 2021
Limberger, O., Homeier, J., Farwig, N., Pucha-Cofrep, F., Fries, A., Leuschner, C., Trachte, K., Bendix, J. (2021) Classification of Tree Functional Types in a Megadiverse Tropical Mountain Forest from Leaf Optical Metrics and Functional Traits for Two Related Ecosystem Functions. Forest 12, 649.
García-Rodríguez, A., Albrecht, J., Szczutkowska, S., Valido, A., Farwig, N., Selva, N. (2021) The role of the brown bear Ursus arctos as a legitimate megafaunal seed disperser. Scientific reports, 11(1):1282
Bendix, J., Aguire, N., Beck, E., Bräuning, A., Brandl, R., Breuer, L., Böhning‑Gaese, K., Dantas de Paula, M., Hickler, T., Homeier, J., Inclan, D., Leuschner, C., Neuschulz, E. L., Schleuning, M., Suarez, J. P., Trachte, K., Wilcke, W., Windhorst, D., Farwig, N. (2021) A research framework for projecting ecosystem change in highly diverse tropical mountain ecosystems. Oecologia 195, pages 589–600
Bucher, R., Rochlitz, J., Wegner, N., Heiß, A., Grebe, A., Schabo, D. G., Farwig, N. (2021) Deer Exclusion Changes Vegetation Structure and Hunting Guilds of Spiders, but Not Multitrophic Understory Biodiversity. Diversity 13, 25
Mallon, J., […], Enggist, P., Farwig, N., Fiedler, W., […], Riley, H., Rösner, S., Schabo, D. G., Schulz, H., […] und Fagan, W. F. (2020) Diurnal timing of nonmigratory movement by birds: the importance of foraging spatial scales. Journal of Avival Biology 51, 12
Riecken, U., Ammer, C., Baur, B., Bonn, A., Diekötter, T., Hotes, S., Krüß, A., Klimek, S., Leyer, I., Werk, K., Ziegenhagen, B., Farwig, N. (2020) Notwendigkeit eines Brückenschlags zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis in Naturschutz – Chancen und Herausforderungen. Natur und Landschaft 8, 364-371
Astudillo, P. X., Grass, I., Siddins, D. C., Schabo, D. G., Farwig, N. (2020) Centrality in Species-habitat networks reveals the importance of habitat quality for high-andean birds in Polylepis Woolands. Ardeola 67, 307-324
Bucharova, A., Kollmann, J., Farwig, N. (2020) Nature conservation and ecosystem restoration in central Europe—The valueof human-shaped ecosystems. Basic and Applied Ecology 42(8)
Beck, E., Paladines, P., Paladines, R., Matt, F., Farwig, N., Bendix, J. (2019) Alexander von Humboldt would have loved it: Estación Científica San Francisco. Ecotropica 21
Friess, N., Bendix, J., Brändle, M., Brandl, R., Dahlke, S., Farwig, N., Freisleben, B., Holzmann, H., Meyer, H., Müller, T., Opgenoorth, L., Peter, C., Quillfeldt, P., Reudenbach, C., Seeger, B., Steinmetz, R., Nauss, T. (2019) Introducing Nature 4.0: A sensor network for environmental monitoring in the Marburg Open Forest. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3
Gemeinholzer, B., Demant, L., Dieterich, M., Eser, U., Farwig, N., Geske, C., Feldhaar, H., Lauterbach, D. Reis, M., Weisser, W., Werk, K. (2019) Artenschwund trotz Naturschutz – Noch immer Handlungs‐ und Forschungsbedarf. Biologie Unserer Zeit 2, 2-13.
Spatz, T., Schabo, D. G., Farwig, N., Rösner, S. (2019) Raumnutzung des Rotmilans Milvus milvus im Verlauf der Brutzeit: Eine Analyse mittels GPS-basierter Bewegungsdaten. Die Vogelwelt 139, 161-169.
Wallis, C.I.B., Homeier, J., Peña, J., Brandl, R., Farwig, N., Bendix, J. (2019) Modeling tropical montane forest biomass, productivity and canopy traits with multispectral remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment 225, 77-92
Bucher, R., Nickel, H., Kaib, S., Will, M. Carchi, J., Farwig, N., Schabo, D. G. (2019) Birds and plants as indicators of arthropod species richness in temperate farmland. Ecological Indicators 103, 272-279.
Martin, E. A., Dainese, M., Clough, Y., Bommarco, R., […], Farwig, N., […], Steffan-Dewenter, I., Concepcion, E. D. (2019) The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agro-ecosystem services across Europe. Ecology Letters, 22, 1083-1094
Tucker, M. A., Alexandrou, O., Bierregard, R., Bildstein, K. L., […], Farwig, N., […], Rösner, S., […], Schabo, D. G., […] Zydelis, R., Mueller, T. (2019) Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28, 576-587
Dugger, P. J., Blendinger, P. G., Böhning-Gaese, K., Chama, L., […], Farwig, N., […], Schabo, D. G.,[…], Vollstädt, M., Schleuning, M. (2019) Seed-dispersal networks are more specialized in the Neotropics than in the Afrotropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28, 248-261
Noonan, M., Tucker, M. A., Fleming, C. H, Akre, T., […], Farwig, N., […], Rösner, S., […], Schabo, D. G., […] , Mueller, T., Calabrese, J.M. (2019) A comprehensive analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation. Ecological Monographs, 89, e01318
Astudillo, P. X., Schabo, D. G., Siddons, D. C., Farwig, N. (2018) Patch-matrix movements of birds in the páramo landscape of the southern Andes of Ecuador. Emu – Austral Ornithology, 119, 53-60
Tiede, Y., Hemp, C., Schmidt. A., Nauss, T., Farwig, N., Brandl, R.(2018) Beyond body size: consistent decrease of traits within orthopteran assemblages with elevation. Ecology 0, 1-13.
Albrecht, J., Hagge, J., Schabo, D. G., Schaefer, M. H., Farwig, N. (2018) Reward regulation in plant–frugivore networks requires only weak cues. Nature Communications, 9, Article number: 4838 (2018)
Bastin, J. F., Ruitshauser, E., Kellner, J., Saatchi, S., […], Farwig, N., […], Zagt, R. J., Zebase, D. (2018) Pan-tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography, Wiley Online Library, 27, 1366-1383
Pellissier, L., Albouy, C., Bascompte, J, Farwig, N., Graham, C., Loreau, M., Maglianesi, M. A., Melian, C. J., Pitteloud, T. R., Rohr, R., Saavedra, S., Thuiller, W., Woodward, C. G., Zimmermann, N. E., Gravel, D. (2017) Comparing species interaction networks along environmental gradients. Biological Reviews 93, 785-800
Slik, F. J. W., Franklin, J., Arroyo-Rodríguez, V., Field, R.,Aguilar, S., Aguirre, N., […] Dattaraja, H. S., Davidar, P., DeWalt, S. J. Din, H., Drake, D. R., Duque, A., Durigan, G., Eichhorn, K., Schmidt Eler, E., Enoki, T., Ensslin, A., Fandohan, A. B., Farwig, N., […] Zakaria, R., and Zang, R. (2018) Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. PNAS 115, 1837-1842
Simmons, B.I.,Sutherland, W.J., Dicks, L.V., Albrecht, J., Farwig, N., García, D., Jordano, P., González‐Varo, J.P. (2018): Moving from frugivory to seed dispersal: incorporating the functional outcomes of interactions in plant‐frugivore networks. J Anim Ecol. 2018 Mar 30. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12831.
Slik, F.J.W., Franklin, J., Arroyo-Rodríguez, V., Field, R.,Aguilar, S., Aguirre, N., […] Dattaraja, H.S., Davidar, P., DeWalt, S.J. Din, H., Drake, D.R., Duque, A., Durigan, G., Eichhorn, K., Schmidt Eler, E., Enoki, T., Ensslin, A., Fandohan, A. B., Farwig, N., […] Zakaria, R., and Zang, R. (2018): Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. PNAS 115(8): 1837-1842
Pellissier, L., Albouy, C., Bascompte, J, Farwig, N., Graham, C., Loreau, M., Maglianesi, M.A., Melian, C.J., Pitteloud, Tomas Roslin, Rudolf Rohr, Serguei Saavedra, Wilfried Thuiller, Woodward, C.G., Zimmermann, N.E. and Gravel, D. (2017): Comparing species interaction networks along environmental gradients. Biol. Rev. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12366 accepted 18 August 2017.
Farwig, N., Ammer, C., Annighöfer, P., Baur, B., Behringer, D., Diekötter, T., Hotes, S., Leyer, I., Müller, J., Peter, F., Riecken, U., Bessel, A., Thorn, S., Werk, K., Ziegenhagen, B. (2017): Bridging science and practice in conservation: Deficits and challenges from a research perspective.Basic and Applied Ecology 24: 1-8
Wallis, C.I.B., Brehm, G., Donoso, D.A., Fiedler, K., Homeier, J., Paulsch, D., Süßenbach, D., Tiede, Y., Brandl, R., Farwig, N. and Bendix, J (2017): Remote sensing improves prediction of tropical montane species 1 diversity but performance differs among taxa. Ecological Indicators 83: 538-549
Farwig, N., Bendix, B., Beck, E. (2017): Introduction to the Special Issue “Functional monitoring in megadiverse tropical ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 83: 524-526
Tiede, Y., Schlautmann, J., Donoso, D.A., Wallis, C.I.B., Bendix, J., Brandl, R., Farwig, N. (2017): Ants as indicators of environmental change and ecosystem processes. Ecol. Indic.
Farwig, N., Schabo, D.G., and Albrecht, J. (2017): DISPERSAL PROCESSES DRIVING PLANT MOVEMENT: RANGE SHIFTS IN A CHANGING WORLD Trait-associated loss of frugivores in fragmented forest does not affect seed removal rates. Journal of Ecology 105, 20–28
Schleuning, M., Fründ, J., Schweiger, O., Welk, E., Albrecht, J., Albrecht, M., Beil, M., Benadi, G., Blüthgen, N., Bruelheide, H., Böhning-Gaese, K., Dehling, M., Dormann, C.F., Exeler, N., Farwig, N., Harpke, A., Hickler, T., Kratochwil, A., Kuhlmann, M., Kühn, I., Michez, D., Mudri-Stojnic, S., Plein, M., Rasmont, P., Schwabe, A., Settele, J., Vujic, A., Weiner, C.N., Wiemers, M. & Hof, C. (2016) Ecological networks are more sensitive to plant than to animal extinction under climate change. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13965, Published 23 Dec 2016
Schabo, D.G., Heuner, S., Neethling, M.V., Rösner, S., Uys, R., Farwig, N. (2016): Long-term data indicates that supplementary food enhances the number of breeding pairs in a Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres colony. Bird Conservation International DOI: 10.1017/S0959270915000350, Published online: 12 August 2016
Tiede, Y., Homeier, J., Cumbicus, N., Pena, J, Albrecht, J., Ziegenhagen, B., Bendix, J., Brandl, R., Farwig, N. (2016) Phylogenetic niche conservatism does not explain elevational patterns of species richness, phylodiversity and family age of tree assemblages in Andean rainforest. Erdkunde 70: 83-106.
De Palma, A., Abrahamczyk, S., Aizen, M.A., Albrecht, M., […], Farwig, N., […], Yoon, H.J., Purvis, A. (2016) Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biases. Scientific Reports 6:31153 | DOI: 10.1038/srep31153
Grass, I., Albrecht, J., Jauker, F., Diekötter, T., Warzecha, D., Wolters, V., Farwig, N. (2016) Much more than bees-Wildflower plantings support highly diverse flower-visitor communities from complex to structurally simple agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 225: 45-53
Wallis, C.I.B., Paulsch, D., Zeilinger, J., Brenner, S., Curatola Fernández, G.F., Brandl, R., Farwig, N., Bendix, J. (2016) Contrasting performance of Lidar and optical texture models in predicting avian diversity in a tropical mountain forest. Remote Sensing of Environment 174: 223-232
Mammides C., M. Schleuning, K. Böhning-Gaese, G. Schaab, N. Farwig, C. Kadis & T. Coulson (2015) The indirect effects of habitat disturbance on bird communities in a tropical African forest. Biodiversity and Conservation DOI 10.1007/s10531-015-1001-x
Peters F., D.G. Berens, G.R. Grieve & N. Farwig (2015) Forest fragmentation drives the loss of insectivorous birds and an associated increase in herbivory. Biotropica.
Slik, F.J.W., V. Arroyo-Rodríguez, S.-I. Aiba, P. Alvarez-Loayz, P., […], N. Farwig, […], B.G. Luize, and E.M. Venticinq (2015) An estimate of the number of tropical tree species richness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:7472–7477.
Botzat, A., L. Fischer & N. Farwig (2015) Regeneration potential in South African forest fragments: extinction debt paid off or hampered by contemporary matrix modification? Plant Ecology DOI 10.1007/s11258-015-0457-9.
Grass, I., R. Brandl, A. Botzat, E.L. Neuschulz & N. Farwig (2015) Contrasting taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity responses to forest modifications: comparisons of taxa and successive plant life stages in South African scarp forest. PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118722.
Albrecht, J., V. Bohle, D.G. Berens, B. Jaroszewicz, N. Selva and N. Farwig (2015) Variation in neighbourhood context shapes frugivore-mediated facilitation and competition among co-dispersed plant species. Journal of Ecology 103:526-536.
Schor, J., N. Farwig and D.G. Berens (2015) Intensive land-use and high native fruit availability reduce fruit removal of the invasive Solanum mauritianum in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 96:6-12.
Hudson, L.N., T. Newbold, S. Contu, S.LL. Hill, I. Lysenko, A. De Palma, H.R.P. Phillips, R.A. Senior, […], N. Farwig, […], J.P.W. Scharlemann and A. Purvis (2014) The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1303.
Astudillo Webster, P.X., G.M. Samaniego, P.J. Machado, J.M. Aguilar, B.A. Tinoco, C.H. Graham, S.C. Latta and N. Farwig (2014) The impact of roads on the avifauna of páramo grasslands in Cajas National Park, Ecuador. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment doi:10.1080/01650521.2014.960778.

Albrecht et al. (2014)
Farwig, N., R. Brandl, S. Siemann, F. Wiener and J. Müller (2014) Decomposition rate of carrion is depedent on composition not abundance of the assemblages of insect scavengers. Oecologia doi:10.1007/s00442-014-2974-y.
Albrecht, J., D.G. Berens, B. Jaroszewicz, N. Selva, R. Brandl and N. Farwig (2014) Correlated loss of ecosystem services in coupled mutualistic networks. Nature Communications 5:3810 doi:10.1038/ncomms4810
Farwig, N., T. Lung, G. Schaab and K. Böhning-Gaese (2014) Linking land use scenarios, remote sensing and monitoring to project impact of management decisions. Biotropica 46:357-366.
Berens, D.G., L. Chama, J., Albrecht and N. Farwig (2014) High conservation value of forest fragments for plant and frugivore communities in a fragmented forest landscape in South Africa. Biotropica 46:350-356.
Grass, I., D.G. Berens and N. Farwig (2014) Natural habitat loss and exotic plants reduce the functional diversity of flower visitors in a heterogeneous subtropical landscape. Functional Ecology doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12285.
Peter, F., D.G. Berens and N. Farwig (2014) Effects of local tree diversity on herbivore communities diminish with increasing forest fragmentation on the landscape scale. PLoS ONE 9:e95551.
Grass, I., D.G. Berens and N. Farwig (2014) Guild-specific shifts in visitation rates of frugivores with habitat loss and plant invasion. Oikos 123:575-582.
Aparicio, A., D.G. Berens, J. Müller and N. Farwig (2013) Resources determine frugivore assemblages and fruit removal along an elevational gradient. Acta Oecologica 52:45-49.
Grass, I., D.G. Berens, F. Peter and N. Farwig (2013) Additive effects of exotic plant abundance and land-use intensity on plant-pollinator interactions. Oecologia 173:913-923.
Albrecht, J., D.G. Berens, N. Blüthgen, B. Jaroszewicz, N. Selva and N. Farwig (2013) Logging and forest edges reduce redundancy in plant-frugivore networks in an old-growth European forest. Journal of Ecology 101:990-999.
Chama, L., D.G. Berens, C.T. Downs and N. Farwig (2013) Do frugivores enhance germination success of plant species? An experimental approach. South African Journal of Botany 88:23-27.
Botzat, A., L. Fischer and N. Farwig (2013) Forest-fragment quality rather than matrix habitat shapes herbivory on tree recruits in South Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology 29:111-122.
Chama, L., D.G. Berens, C. Downs and N. Farwig (2013) Habitat characteristics of forest fragments determine specialisation of plant-frugivore networks in a mosaic forest landscape. PLoS ONE 8:e54956.
Jeltsch, F., N. Blaum, U. Brose, J.D. Chipperfield, Y. Clough, N. Farwig, K. Geissler, C.H. Graham, V. Grimm, T. Hickler, A. Huth, F. May, K.M. Meyer, J. Pagel, B. Reineking, M.C. Rillig, K. Shea, F.M. Schurr, B. Schröder, K. Tielbörger, L. Weiss, K. Wiegand, T. Wiegand, C. Wirth and D. Zurell (2013) How can we bring together empiricists and modellers in functional biodiversity research? Basic and Applied Ecology14:93-101.
Neuschulz, E.L., I. Grass, A. Botzat, S.D. Johnson and N. Farwig (2013) Persistence of flower visitors and pollination services of a generalist tree in modified forests. Austral Ecology 38:374-382.
Neuschulz, E.L., M. Brown and N. Farwig (2013) Frequent bird movements across a highly fragmented landscape: the role of species traits and forest matrix. Animal Conservation 16:170-179.
Laurance, W.F., D.C. Useche, J. Rendeiro, M. Kalka, C.J.A. Bradshaw, S.P. Sloan, S.G. Laurance, M. Campbell, […], N. Farwig, […], P. Yonzon and F. Zamzani (2012) Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas. Nature 489:290-294.
Albrecht, J., E.L. Neuschulz and N. Farwig (2012) Impact of fruit abundance and habitat structure on fruit removal by avian seed dispersers and predators. Basic and Applied Ecology 13:347-354.
Farwig, N. and D.G. Berens (2012) Imagine a world without seed dispersers: A review of threats, consequences and future directions. Basic and Applied Ecology 13:109-115.
Lung, T., M.K. Peters, N. Farwig, K. Böhning-Gaese, and G. Schaab (2012) Combining long-term land-cover time series and field observations for spatially explicit predictions on changes in tropical forest biodiversity. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33:13-40.
Schleuning, M., N. Farwig, M. K. Peters, T. Bergsdorf, B. Bleher, R. Brandl, H. Dalitz, G. Fischer, W. Freund, M.W. Gikungu, M. Hagen, F. Hita Garcia, G. H. Kagezi, M. Kaib, M. Kraemer, T. Lung, C.M. Naumann, G. Schaab, M. Templin, D. Uster, J.W. Wägele and K. Böhning-Gaese (2011) Forest fragmentation and selective logging have inconsistent effects on multiple animal-mediated ecosystem processes in a tropical forest. PLoS ONE 6:e27785.
Otieno, N.E., N. Gichuki, N. Farwig and S. Kiboi (2011) The role of farm structure on bird assemblages around a Kenyan tropical rainforest. African Journal of Ecology 49:410-417.
Neuschulz, E.L., A. Botzat, and N. Farwig (2011) Effects of forest modification on bird community composition and seed removal in a heterogeneous landscape in South Africa. Oikos 120:1371-1379.
Voigt, F.A., N. Farwig, and S.D. Johnson (2011) Interactions between the invasive tree Melia azedarach (Meliaceae) and native frugivores in South Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology 27:355–363.
Kirika, J.M., K. Böhning-Gaese, B. Dumbo and N. Farwig (2010) Reduced abundance of late-successional trees but not of seedlings in heavily compared with lightly logged sites of three East African tropical forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology 26: 533-546.

Farwig, N., N Sajita, and K. Böhning-Gaese (2009) Corrigendum to “Conservation value of forest plantations for bird communities in western Kenya” [Forest Ecol. Manag. 255 (2008) 3885-3892]. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1731-1734.
Farwig, N., D. Bailey, E. Bochud, J.D. Herrmann, E. Kindler, N. Reusser, C. Schüepp and M.H. Schmidt-Entling (2009) Isolation from forest reduces pollination, seed predation and insect scavenging in Swiss farmland. Landscape Ecology 24: 919-927.
Voigt, F.A., R. Arafeh, N. Farwig, E.M. Griebeler and K. Böhning-Gaese (2009) Linking seed dispersal and genetic structure of trees: a biogeographical approach. Journal of Biogeography 36: 242-254.
Farwig, N., N. Sajita, and K. Böhning-Gaese (2009) High seedling recruitment of indigenous tree species in forest plantations in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 143-150.
Farwig, N., N. Sajita, and K. Böhning-Gaese (2008) Conservation value of forest plantations for bird communities in western Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 3885-3892.
Kirika, J.M., B. Bleher, K. Böhning-Gaese, R. Chira and N. Farwig (2008) Fragmentation and local disturbance of forests reduce frugivore diversity and fruit removal in Ficus thonningii. Basic and Applied Ecology9: 663-672.
Kirika, J.M., N. Farwig, and K. Böhning-Gaese (2008) Effects of local disturbance of tropical forests frugivores and seed removal of a small-seeded Afrotropical tree. Conservation Biology 22: 318-328.
Farwig, N., B. Bleher, S. v.d. Gönna and K. Böhning-Gaese (2008) Does forest fragmentation and selective logging affect seed predators and seed predation rates of Prunus africana (Rosaceae)? Biotropica 40: 218-224.
Farwig, N., N. Sajita, G. Schaab and K. Böhning-Gaese (2008) Human impact diminishes seedling species richness in Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Basic and Applied Ecology 9: 383-391.
Farwig, N., C. Braun and K. Böhning-Gaese (2008) Human disturbance reduces genetic diversity of an endangered tropical tree, Prunus africana (Rosaceae). Conservation Genetics 9: 317-321.
Berens, D.G., N. Farwig, G. Schaab and K. Böhning-Gaese (2008) Exotic guavas are foci of forest regerneration in Kenyan farmland. Biotropica 40: 104-112.

Farwig, N., K. Böhning-Gaese and B. Bleher (2006) Enhanced seed dispersal of Prunus africana in fragmented and disturbed forests? Oecologia 147: 238-252.
Voigt, F.A., S. Jung, N. Farwig and K. Böhning-Gaese (2005) Low fruit set in a dioecious tree: pollination ecology of Commiphora harveyi in South Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21: 179-188.
Farwig, N., E.F. Randrianirina, F.A. Voigt, M. Kraemer and K. Böhning-Gaese (2004) Pollination ecology of the dioecious tree Commiphora guillauminii (Burseraceae) in Madagascar. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20: 307-316.
non-reviewed articles
Farwig, N. (2011) Book Review: Ghazoul, J, D. Sheil (Eds.) Tropical Rain Forest Ecology, Diversity and Conservation. Basic and Applied Ecology 12:477-478.
Farwig, N. (2009) Book Review: Beck, E., J. Bendix, I. Kottke, F. Makeschin, R. Mosandl (Eds.) Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 293.
Farwig, N. (2008) Book Review: Tscharntke, T., C. Leuschner, M. Zeller, E. Guhardja, A. Bidin (Eds.) Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins – Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Contraints of Land Use and Conservation. Basic and Applied Ecology 9: 189.
Farwig, N. and K. Böhning-Gaese (2008) Biologische Vielfalt in Ostafrika: Folgen von Landnutzung und Klimawandel. Natur & Geist (Forschungsmagazin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): 70-73.